"I’m all ready to go. Really??!! I need a visa to go with you to India?"................Rusty
This was the easiest trip to
India ever……..a mere 28 hours door to door! Along the last leg of our trip we were reminded that the
major highway linking Mumbai and Pune is a relatively novel concept. The “Observe Lane Discipline” sign
reminds drivers to stay in their own lanes. See my “Pune Traffic” post from my 2011 trip for a bit of
back story on this. See side bar
for previous posts.
Arrived! Jet lagged, but thrilled that we finally arrived at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, Michael and I just sat for a very long time in the courtyard that is situated between the Iyengar’s private residence and the yoga practice hall. Just taking it all in…..